No RiskyProject ribbon in Microsoft Project

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Intaver Support
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No RiskyProject ribbon in Microsoft Project

Post by Intaver Support »

The RiskyProject Addin ribbon should appear on the Microsoft Project ribbon as long as RiskyProject is installed on the same computer. RiskyProject ribbon in Microsoft Project simplifies data transfer from Microsoft Project to RiskyProject. It is the most convenient and fastest way to perform risk analysis in Microsoft Project. However, if you have Microsoft Project you can always export it to XML file (in Microsoft Project File -> Save As -> Select XML from drop down menu) and open in RiskyProject.

Sometimes the RiskyProject addin ribbon in Microsoft Project does not load properly. Here are the steps to fix this problem:

1. Close RiskyProject and Microsoft Project. Launch the RiskyProject stand alone client. Then, launch Microsoft Project after it.

2. If this does not install the Addin, please make sure that RiskyProject addin is accessible:

a). Launch MS Project. Then go to File -> Options:


b). In Project Options, click Add-ins and then click Go:


c). Make sure that RiskyProject ribbon add-in is visible and checked:


d). Click OK. Close and then relaunch Microsoft Project.

e). If the RiskyProject Addin still does not appear repeat step1 a). to c). Most likely the check box next to RiskyProject ribbon add-in was not selected properly and Microsoft Project has disabled the RiskyProject add-in. If the Addin still does not load, try the following steps to help to identify and fix the problem.

3. Trust Center settings permit running third party add-ins. To properly define Trust Center settings:

a). Launch MS Project. Then go to File -> Options -> Trust Center:


b). Select add-ins

c). All check boxes in this form must be cleared:


d). Click OK and relaunch Microsoft Project.

4. If the does not resolve the issue, then the next step it to generate an error message.

Please follow the instructions here: It will generate an error message. It is for Outlook, but it should work for Microsoft Project as well. Please note that the error could have a long description. One potential error can be related to Microsoft Visual studio support is not enabled in .NET Framework. To fix this problem Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime must be installed. This files can be downloaded from Microsoft: ... x?id=44074.

Sometimes the error message could be less specific, for example that Add-in cannot be loaded. In this case it is also can be related to Microsoft .NET Framework. Microsoft .NET Framework can be uninstalled and new FULL Microsoft .NET Framework should be installed.

If you continue having the problem with ribbon, please contact Intaver Institute. It any case you may always work with exporting schedule from Microsoft Project to RiskyProject using XML file.
Intaver Support Team
Intaver Institute Inc.
Home of Project Risk Management and Project Risk Analysis software RiskyProject
Intaver Support
Posts: 999
Joined: Wed Nov 09, 2005 9:55 am

Re: No RiskyProject ribbon in Microsoft Project

Post by Intaver Support »

Location of of download page for Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime in Microsoft web site has changed. It was mentioned in the last step of the instructions. It is now: ... x?id=48217
Intaver Support Team
Intaver Institute Inc.
Home of Project Risk Management and Project Risk Analysis software RiskyProject
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