Customized risk matrix settings for different users

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Customized risk matrix settings for different users

Post by Ken » Wed Jul 19, 2017 9:25 pm

Can risk matrix settings be different for different users or projects?
Ken the PM

Intaver Support
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Re: Customized risk matrix settings for different users

Post by Intaver Support » Wed Jul 19, 2017 9:27 pm

RiskyProject Enterprise version 7 supports customized risk matrix settings for different user groups or projects or portfolios.
First, you will need administrator permissions to be able to modify the Risk Matrix settings. Once you login with sufficient permissions, open a risk register for the program or group for which you want to customize the risk matrix. For example if you are the manager of a group, if you login in an modify the risk register, you can then have it assigned to your group. If you want the risk matrix applied to a certain section of the portfolio hierarchy, open the parent program and modify the risk register.

Open the Format Risk Matrix and make the desired modification (see “Formatting the Risk Matrix in the documentation”).
Click Advanced Settings and in the Advanced Risk Settings dialog box, select the Risk Matrix Settings option that you would like to apply it.


By default, risk matrix settings are global, the “Risk matrix is global for all users and projects” option. Select the “Risk matrix is specific to the program/project” option if you want to apply it to the current program or project that is open. If you apply it to a program, it will be applied to all projects including sub-programs that are part of this program depending upon how many levels your hierarchy has. Selet the “Risk matrix is specific for the user or user group” if you want to apply it to the current group that your user is a part of. Groups are defined as part of the Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS) that can be set up in the User Management module.
Intaver Support Team
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Re: Customized risk matrix settings for different users

Post by RiskGuru » Wed Dec 26, 2018 12:58 pm

How can I set up the Risk Trends report?

Intaver Support
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Re: Customized risk matrix settings for different users

Post by Intaver Support » Wed Dec 26, 2018 1:01 pm

The Risk Trends reports can be modified using the Risk Trend Chart Settings in the Format Risk Matrix dialog box. By default, the Risk Trends provides the number of risks in each risk severity category over a designated number of periods. The periods can be set using the Risk Trend Chart periodicity drop-down list and the number of periods is can be entered in the Maximum Number of Periods box.


The severity categories are based on the number of colors set in Risk Matrix. By default, the risk matrix has three colors that indicate Low, Medium, and Critical severity. Therefore if you would like to see more categories on the Risk Trend report, you would need to modify the Risk Matrix with additional color(s) to indicate additional severity levels (e.g Very Low, or Serious)
Intaver Support Team
Intaver Institute Inc.
Home of Project Risk Management and Project Risk Analysis software RiskyProject

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