Drop Down Calendar Incorrect

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Drop Down Calendar Incorrect

Post by RKL »

While entering a constrained date in the Task Information Panel, I used the Calendar Selection.

The Calendar displayed is "Off". It is showing 11 November 2005 as a Sunday when it was a Friday.

Intaver Support: Please investigate and report back.
Intaver Support
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Post by Intaver Support »

We could not recreate this issue on our computers. We use currently released RiskyProject Professional 1.3.2. We tried to change computer's date and time as well as using different non-standard calendars. We also tried to set November 11 as a non-working day. Each time it was November 11,2005 Friday.

Please note, that if you select non working day from the calendar, RiskyProject will calculate first available working day. If November 11 is non working day, actual selected time will November 15 (Monday) 8 a.m.

You may try to type date and time in the edit box without using drop down calendar. But current calendar will be used for all calculations.

If you continue to experience these problems, please send a screen shot with drop down calendar as well as screen shot of working time dialog.
Intaver Support Team
Intaver Institute Inc.
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Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Nov 22, 2005 1:05 pm
Location: Ottawa, ON, Canada

Post by RKL »

I can't get it again either.

I suspect the problem was "Me". I may have incorrectly selected the wrong Nov 11th in some other year.

BTW, really surprised how big your calendar is. Ranging from Jan 1950 to Dec 2080 seems a bit of overkill <grin>

Feel free to kill this entire thread


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