New Reports for Risky Project

General discussion and questions about project risk management and risk analysis software RiskyProject. Includes discussion on how to perform efficient project risk analysis using our software.

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New Reports for Risky Project

Post by goodwisj »

I have been struggling today to get the good data that I have in Risky Project out into a format I can use when providing Tender Responses.... I needed to provide a cost breakdown by human resource and expenses.... I couldn't find a way that preserved the task allocations by resources.

Some options that would be excellent for users are:
Filter on columns for data analysis
Export to Excel or Open Office (CSV would be good with apportionment of costs by resource.
The ability to access the data descriptions for the files and create our own reports.

Please would Intaver consider these suggestions and help make my world a better place???


Intaver Support
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Post by Intaver Support »

Hello Steve,

You can customize your reporting in current RiskyProject version:
1. You can insert or hide columns in any views, including resource view. To do it just right click on the column's header with each datasheet.
2. Then you can select rows in the datasheet and copy them to clipboard. To do it you can use Edit menu or popup menu when you right click on row ID.
3. You can paste results to Excel, Word, or any other software.

We don't output some information, particularly cost associated with resources and task allocation by resources. New version, which is coming out next month, will have more reporting features.

Thank you for your suggestions. We will try to include them to next releases of RiskyProject.
Intaver Support Team
Intaver Institute Inc.
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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Good to hear...

Post by goodwisj »

... that there are to be some changes to the software soon! And thank you for the swift response, too!

I've used the features that you mentioned to extract the information. However it doesn't preserve the %age apportionment of the resources to the tasks or directly allow the costs by resource to be removed. This is where a filter on the columns would be excellent - it could probably build on the selection of resources in the task dialogue.

Where it would be good to see this go is a report by resource for the costs; it could possibly come from the good work already done with the resource sheet and give resource costings as well as resource usage.

Whilst thinking about that sheet... the chance to drill down and see which tasks are blowing out the resource usage would be excellent so that it was not necessary to leave that screen to start some manual leveling of the resources....

It is some small(ish) details like this that could have me using MS Project still; otherwise I could run the whole thing in Risky Project.....

If there is a chance to get Risky Project to being a completely standalone product then I for one would be really pleased to see Intaver take that chance!

Many thanks


PS - Is it possible to have a list of the new features that are due to be delivered next month? It would help stop the enthusiastic among us from plaguing Intaver with ideas in this forum. An alternative idea may be to have a thread running to collect the new features that the user community would like to see...... :D
Intaver Support
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Post by Intaver Support »

You have raised a very interesting question about filtering. We are planning to implement the filtering in the next versions. The issue is almost all parameters in RiskyProject are not single values. They are distributions or arrays of different outcomes. The example is the cost associated with resources. It is an array of outcomes because task durations are uncertain due to different risks. If we want to filter these costs we have to do it based on low/base/high estimates. Moreover, cost of some resources can be correlated with each other. It needs to be defined somehow. For example, there is a chance that one resource is overallocated, another resource can be overallocated as well. Alternatively, resources can be completely independent.

As you can see, probabilistic analysis adds new dimension to the planning and scheduling. We gradually move towards implementing all standard scheduling features in probabilistic definition. Here is what will be included to RiskyProject 2.0 which will come out next month:

1. Probabilistic Gantt chart based Low/High estimates of results
2. Fully probabilistic earned value analysis, including probabilistic cash flow diagrams
3. Income and revenue analysis. Income and revenue will have its own uncertainties and risks. As a result, RiskyProject will have full product lifecycle management functionalities.
4. Improved reporting: report can be printed from all views. New customizable reports will be added
5. Improved tracking: tracking chart can be presented for each task and full project
6. New risk: Execute Mitigation Plan. Mitigation Plans will be defined in advance. It will be possible to monitor the chance that this mitigation plan will be executed. Moreover, different risks assigned to different tasks may execute the same mitigation plan.
7. Improved UI: improved workflow bar will present four phases (data input, analysis, tracking, and reporting); Gantt chart graphic properties can be adjusted, etc.
8. Many other improvements.

We usually make one major release ones per year and minor release every half year. We will try to implement filtering and other features which will make RiskyProject compatible with other project management software (such a split tasks, calendars for resources, etc.) as soon as possible. New versions are fully compatible with old versions: files, created in old version can be opened in new versions.
Intaver Support Team
Intaver Institute Inc.
Home of Project Risk Management and Project Risk Analysis software RiskyProject
Posts: 10
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Location: Melbourne, Australia

Post by goodwisj »

Thank you for such a great level of responsiveness....not for Intaver the tumbleweed rolling between the forum threads!!! :lol:

The explanations you have given make a lot of sense and it is good to be able to see what is coming - thank you! I hdan't appreciated the magnitude of change associated with the probablistic nature of the product abd really glad to know that you are already on the filtering thing....

Thank you


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