Using Branching to Model Response Plans

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Using Branching to Model Response Plans

Post by Torelli »

I’m trying to set up a scenario where I have a number of tasks/activities in my schedule that are to be executed only if a risk eventuates. These activities are only in the schedule for the response to a certain risk, if it were to eventuate. It is my understanding that this is the intention of Response Plans in RiskyProject, is this correct?
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Re: Using Branching to Model Response Plans

Post by Intaver Support »

The response plan is meant to be a high level model of a response to a risk with schedule and cost impacts, but it doesn’t add any activities, just the cost and schedule impact that those additional activities would have. In this way, response plans are very much like risk outcomes, but allow do document and manage it in the Mitigation/Response view if you want to include this capability as part of your risk management.
In the scenario you describe, we recommend using branching. In this case, specific activities are only executed probabilistically or based on a certain condition that can occur during simulation (e.g. late finish).

Here is a simple example below:

As part of a drilling process, a Gamma Ray Test is run. There are two results: Pass or Fail.
• Pass: Go directly to activity 15 Connection
• Fail: Response Plan is run, this takes anywhere from 2 – 5 days to make needed changes and rerun the test and then go to activity 15 Connection’


From historical data, the project manager estimates that the test will fail 20% of the time and the extra work will be required to fix any issues and rerun the test. In this case, he models the branches in the following manner.


The results can be seen in the Analysis, Success Rate view.
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