Large master schedule

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Large master schedule

Post by Tomico »

I manage a program with several large projects. I would like to at a minimum to generate an SRA at the program level. Do you have any advice on how to combine or summarize projects into a single schedule that can be analyzed?
Intaver Support
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Re: Large master schedule

Post by Intaver Support »

Without using a 3rd party tool such as MS Project that support master schedules, you have a couple of options
1. Create simplified models of each project as subtasks in a program schedule. For example each project could be rolled up to level 3 activities. You would then apply risks and uncertainties to this summary project to perform an SRA.
2. Master Projects. In the latest update* of RiskyProject Professional, there is a new feature that allows users to insert subprojects with the results of their analysis into a schedule. This subproject acts as a single task with a custom statistical distribution (results of a simulation).
To create a Master Project, run the SRAs on all of your projects and then insert them as Subprojects into a schedule. Each subproject can be linked to other subprojects or other activities in the schedule to model dependencies. Once you have created the Master schedule, run a simulation to generate an SRA for your program.

To view the custom statistical distribution for the subproject, open the subprojects Task Information > Distributions tab.

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Intaver Institute Inc.
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