Using resources to model a schedule and cost risk

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Using resources to model a schedule and cost risk

Post by Expert »

I want to model the following: I have a task that runs for say 1 month, with a resource or resources assigned at 100% for the duration of the task. I have a time delay risk that has a 15% of causing a 10% delay to that task. I want to show an extension of time to that task and then any affecting it in the triangular distribution on the Result Gantt, but then also an extension of time required from the resource working extra due to the extended time and therefore an increase in cost.
Intaver Support
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Re: Using resources to model a schedule and cost risk

Post by Intaver Support »

If you model a schedule risk with resources with rates allocated to the affected tasks. The added costs due to the risk will be part of the analysis. Same as if you apply the risk directly to the resource, however if that resource is assigned to any other tasks, they will be affected as well.
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Intaver Institute Inc.
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