What impact do risk triggers have on the Monte Carlo

This forum includes discussion about project risk analysis and risk management theory: Monte Carlo simulations, Event Chain Methodology, schedule and cost risk analysis. Please submit questions and case studies about your experience with our project risk analysis software.

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What impact do risk triggers have on the Monte Carlo

Post by NTT »

We are identifying risks including descriptions, causes and triggers as key properties. From what we see, if you click in the field, it brings up the list of risks. Is this a form of risk correlation, ie. if the trigger risk occurs then the primary risk will occur and if so does this affect the results?
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Re: What impact do risk triggers have on the Monte Carlo

Post by Intaver Support »

Short answer is no it does not affect the results of your cost or schedule risks analysis. The trigger can be set as another risk however, if you click in the field, you will discover that it is an editable field. Therefore, you can identify a risk from the risk register as a trigger or you can type a statement to provide information about the what could “trigger” the risk.

In the risk register and for reporting purposes, this information is only saved as an alphanumeric value that can be included in the Risk Register report etc. In the example below, you can see that text that has been added to the field.

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