Master Schedules

This forum focus on project portfolio risk management theory and RiskyProject Enterprise software. Submit any questions about enterprise risk management, and qualitative / quantitative risk analysis for multiple projects. This forum also includes discussions about project risk analysis on the enterprise level.

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Master Schedules

Post by Daniel001 »

How does RiskyProject manage MS Project Master schedules?
Intaver Support
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Re: Master Schedules

Post by Intaver Support »

Essentially RiskyProject merges a master schedule with n subprojects into 1 large schedule. Cross project links are converted into standard links such as in a schedule in MS Project is converted to RiskyProject schedule. You will not notice this if you run the analysis using the RiskyProject MSP Addin; however, if you open the Master Project in RiskyProject you will see that cross project links are shown as a standard link in the Predecessors tab of the Task Information view.

In addition, if you compare the task numbering, RiskyProject renumbers all tasks in the Master Schedule; whereas in MS Project each subproject has its own task numbering. Because MS Master Projects do not have unique task numbers (there can be n Task 1s etc.) this RiskyProject relies on unique WBS IDs to properly convert the subprojects to a single project file.
Intaver Support Team
Intaver Institute Inc.
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