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Saving Monte Carlo Analysis Results
Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 12:30 pm
by bjmacgre
Is there a method for saving the Monte Carlo analysis results so that I do not have to repeat it each time I want to reveiw the results?
Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 10:33 am
by Intaver Support
RiskyProject does not save all results to project file (*.alm) because amount of data is huge. Results of calculation include samples for each task, each parameter (duration, cost, start and finish time) and each iteration. Currently you may export results to other software, such as MS Project, Excel, etc. You may also print results or export charts to different graphical formats (such as JPEG and BMP).
In version 3.0, which is coming this year, we will have an option to save results. In addition to it we will maintain multiple baselines, the same way as it is done in MS Project. It will be possible to convert results of calculation to the baseline.
Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 7:04 am
by bjmacgre
Can you export the results whollistically or do you need to do it one task at a time?
Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:28 am
by Intaver Support
In current RiskyProject version 2.1 you may export results for a complete project, each phase, or each separate task. Results include statistical summary, samples, and charts (frequency, cumulative probability, and their combination). To perform this export right click on the frequency or cumulative probability chart. For full projects these charts are presented within project summary view. For separate task these charts are presented when you double click on each Gantt bar. If you export results for a particular phase use a summary task or a milestone, associated with this phase. In current version you cannot export statistical data for all tasks at the same time, because it may be very confusing for the large schedules.
You may also export results to other applications, such as MS Project. Please note that it will be mean results, as MS Project does not accept any statistical data. After the export schedule based on results of RiskyProject analysis will become original schedule in MS Project and can be used as a baseline.