Updating file causing short delays

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Updating file causing short delays

Post by G&G »

When adding risks or 3pt estimates etc the software seems to freeze briefly. Is there a reason for this?
Intaver Support
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Re: Updating file causing short delays

Post by Intaver Support »

RiskyProject has 2 default calculation settings: Deterministic and Probabilistic. When Probabilistic is selected, RiskyProject has an algorithm in which it monitors the size of the data and available computer resources and if it calculates that it can run it in one second it will run a simulation. If the schedule is approaching this limit the time to run the simulation will approach 1 second and can cause this “freezing” behavior.

If this is an issue, in the Project Options -> Calculations, click the Deterministic calculation of Current Schedule only option.

Intaver Support Team
Intaver Institute Inc.
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