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RiskyProject Dashboards
Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 4:34 pm
by Dwen
Does RiskyProject have a dashboard for main project information?
Re: RiskyProject Dashboards
Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2017 4:37 pm
by Intaver Support
Not in the standard sense, but RiskyProject does come with to analgous views. One for the results of Monte Carlo simlulation and the other for the Risk Register. Both are hardcoded but provide extremely useful high level easy to understand information about your project.
3x3 Dashboard
The 3x3 dashboard is a quick overview with allows you to quickly identify and prioritize the 3 main risks and tasks that are the main drivers in your project. It also provides results of the simulation for the 3 major project parameters: Cost, Duration, and Finish Time.
Risk Register Dashboard
The Risk Register Dashboard can be opened by clicking the Dashboard button at the top of the Risk Register. It contains high level information describing the overall status of risks, including such information about risks, updates, reviews, and mitigation activities.
Re: RiskyProject Dashboards
Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2019 11:36 am
by Intaver Support
In RiskyProject 7.1 you can create any view of risk register with any sets of columns and filters. They are essentially dashboards. To create extra view use tabs at the bottom of risk register view.