Defaults for risk mitigation and response plans

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Defaults for risk mitigation and response plans

Post by BusinessDecisions »

Every time I add a mitigation activity to the waterfall chart, it seems to automatically decrease the impact by 5% which I don’t want. It looks like a default but I don’t see any setting in the options.
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Re: Defaults for risk mitigation and response plans

Post by Intaver Support »

When you are creating your risk mitigation plans in the mitigation waterfall chart, each activity that you add to the risk mitigation waterfall chart automatically is added as a mitigation plan or activity in the Mitigation/Response view. Each of these steps represents a planned activity which will change either the probability and/or impact of a risk, which in turn lowers the risk score. RiskyProject has hardcoded default values for reducing probability and impact (5%). If you do not modify these values, they are automatically added to the waterfall chart. You can set these default values in advance if you add the plans to the Mitigation/Response View. The default values can be added to the Risk Probability Reduction and Risk Impact Reduction fields for each plan.

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Intaver Institute Inc.
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