XML export results are not the same in RiskyProject and MSProject

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XML export results are not the same in RiskyProject and MSProject

Post by BusinessDecisions »

I want to export my P85 results from RiskyProject to MS Project. In RiskyProject it shows a gap of about 5 hours (working time) between the Finish Time of the predecessor and Start Time of the Successor with a FS relationship and no lags. It is around 5% of duration of the activities. So why does MSP close this gap?
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Re: XML export results are not the same in RiskyProject and MSProject

Post by Intaver Support »

We have looked at this in a little more detail and the reason is not because of differences in the algorithm, it is because the nature of probabilistic data. In this case, the P85 finish time of the predecessor and start time of the successor are correlated but do not represent a calculated schedule. That is, they do not represent a predecessor/successor relationship, they are just two data points pulled from the results of the simulation and do not take into account the predecessor relationships. It is only when the xml is generated and opened in MS Project is a schedule calculated. In this case, the gap between the p85 finish time of the predecessor and start time of the successor is closed when the schedule is generated. in MSP. The same phenomena occurs if you import the p85 xml results back into RiskyProject.
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