Start as late as possible constraint

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Start as late as possible constraint

Post by Jason »

I have tasks with the “start as late as possible” constraint. When I import to Risky Project the dropdown has them starting "As Early as Possible and “As Late as Possible" isn't a choice. This causes the histograms from the Monte Carlo runs to show the correct durations, but the incorrect calendar dates. Is there a way to fix this?
Intaver Support
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Re: Start as late as possible constraint

Post by Intaver Support »

Start as late as possible are used for a variety of management purposes, but are not used in SRA best practices. While I cannot comment on their use in your schedule usually they are used to model late procurement (pay as late as possible), but they should not be on the critical path. We have a similar issue with LOE tasks, yes they can generate significant costs, but they are not on the critical path, so often they are either removed from an SRA or disabled.
Intaver Support Team
Intaver Institute Inc.
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