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Converting your project from Qualitative to Quantitative Risk AnalysisIf you have risks in the Risk Register, but no schedule, you can perform a qualitative risk analysis of your project. If you add even one task to the project, all your risks will convert to global risks, and will therefore be assigned to all tasks. In quantitative risk analysis risk categories are separated into two groups:
In qualitative risk analysis the "Duration" category has only one outcome type "Relative delay"; however in quantitative analysis the corresponding category "Schedule and Scope" has many outcome types (fixed delay, relative delay, etc.). Similarly, in qualitative analysis the"Cost" category has only one outcome type "Relative cost increase"; whereas, the "Cost and Income" category in quantitative analysis has many outcome types (fixed cost increase, relative cost increase, etc.). If you add a schedule (i.e. activites or tasks) to your project, the following occurs:
At this point, you may need to reassign these risks to particular tasks or resources and modify the outcome types. For example, a risk which had a Relative Cost Increase may need to be modeled as a Fixed Cost Increase.
For more information about calculation of probabilities and impacts of risks for quantitative analysis read "How are risk probabilities, impacts, and scores calculated?" in the Frequently Asked Questions.
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