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Managing Risk Assignments Views

Risks must be assigned to calculate their impact. If a risk is not assigned to any tasks or resources it will remain in the risk register, but probability, impact, and score will not be shown.

RiskyProject has two types of risks assignments:

  • Global Risk Assignments: Global risk assignments are those risk assignments, which have a chance of affecting the project as a whole and are not limited to specific tasks or resources. For example, political or weather risks would be assigned as global.
  • Local Assignments: Local risk assignments are those risks that have a chance of affecting only specific tasks or resources. A local risk assignment can affect more than one task or resource. For example, risks affecting the delivery of specific equipment for a certain phase of a project would be assigned local.

You can edit or view risk assignments in the following dialog boxes and views:

Risk management: managing risk assignments

See also

Assigning local and global risks

Risks in RiskyProject

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