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Setting Milestones

You can flag a task as a milestone. If you turn on a milestone, the task bar within a Gantt chart is displayed as:

Any task with zero duration is automatically displayed as a milestone in the Gantt chart; however, any task can be marked as a milestone. The milestone flag is for display only and does not affect the project calculations.
If a task has no duration entered, it is automatically displayed as a milestone and you do not have to complete the following steps. If you want to flag a task that has duration, complete the following steps.

To create a milestone:

  1. Select the task that you want to flag as a milestone.
  2. Open the Task Information dialog box.
  3. Click the Advanced tab.
  4. Select the This task is a milestone check box.
  5. Click OK.

See also

Predecessors and Lags

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