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Assigning Low and High Estimates for Duration and Cost for Group of Tasks

You may assign statistical distribution for duration and fixed cost for a selected group of tasks:

  1. Open the Gantt View.
  2. Select a group of tasks.
  3. Right-click on a Task ID.
  4. Select Set Low/High Duration or Low/High Fixed Cost.
  5. Enter fixed values or a coefficient to calculate Low and High duration or cost based on the Base duration or cost.
  6. Select a distribution from the drop-down list.
  7. Click OK to apply changes.

In RiskyProject 7 you may go to Risks -> Distribution group and click on Duration or Cost. You may clear the statistical distribution for a particular group of tasks. To do so, go to Risks > Distribution group and click on Clear.

Low and high durations and/or fixed cost will be automatically calculated. If you already manually entered low and high values for fixed cost and duration, the procedure will overwrite these values.

See also

Adding 3-point estimates
Assigning low and high estimates for duration and cost to a group of tasks

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