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What is RiskyProject?

RiskyProject is advanced project management software with integrated risk analysis. Most projects contain many uncertain parameters: task duration, start and finish times, uncertainties in costs and resources, uncertainties in quality, safety, technology, and others. RiskyProject analyzes the project schedule with risks and uncertainties, calculates the chance that project will be completed within a given period of time and budget, ranks risks, and shows the user with results in formats that are easy to read and understand.

RiskyProject also helps to perform project risk management:

  • identify project risks
  • rank risks
  • identify mitigation and response plans
  • manage risk properties, including descriptions, probabilities and impacts, costs associated with risks, mitigation strategies, and all other information about risks
  • facilitate risk reviews, opening, and closing risks, conversion of risks to issues and lessons learned
  • maintain risk history
  • provide comprehensive risk reporting

RiskyProject performs both qualitative and quantitative risk analysis. If both the risk register and project schedule are populated, RiskyProject performs quantitative risk analysis. If no project schedule, RiskyProject performs qualitative risks analysis.

Getting Started

Setting up your projects
Creating a new project
Managing Risk Categories and Outcomes
Risks in RiskyProject
Project Summary
Tracking Performance
Frequently Asked Questions

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