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Assigning local and global risks the Global Risk Assignment view

This is a preferred method for global risk assignment. You may use this method for assigning local risks based on global risks. If you have global risks, you may assign it to one of many task and resources at the same time.


1. On the Risks tab of the Workflow bar, click the Global Risk Assignment view.
2. Click on the first row.
3. Select the risk that you want to assign as a global risk.
4. Select whether this is a global task or resource risk.
5. Enter the Chance, Outcome, and Result of the risk.
6. Select the Moment of risk distribution from the drop-down list. If it is triangular, you must define the Start, Most Likely, and Finish parameters. Monent of risk is available in RiskyProject Professional only.
7. Click the Enable check box to enable the risk for purposes of calculation.
8. Repeat steps 2 -6 to add additional global risks.

Assigning risks from the Global Risk Assignment view to local tasks or resources
You may also use the Global Risk Assignment view to assign local risks.
1. Open the Global Risk Assignment view.
2. Define a new risk assignment or select existing risk assignment.
3. Double click on the Risk ID field. The Risk Information dialog box opens.
4. Select either the Assign to Tasks or Assign to Resources tab.
5. Select a task or resource from the list.
6. Enable or disable risk for the particular task or resources if necessary

•  If you enable a risk and assign it to a task using the Global Risk View, ensure that in Global Risk view the risk is disabled. Otherwise, risk may occur twice as global and as local risks.
•  You can update the risk properties for all of the tasks and resources to which this risk is assigned using the Update Risk Properties button. For example, you can update a risk in the Global Risks Assignment view. Then select the Assign to Tasks or Assign to Resources tab and click the Update Risk Properties button .

See also

Assigning local and global risks products      solutions      support      partners      technology      company

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