1.   Fill out the purchase order form and send it together with your payment to Intaver Institute (see contacts)

RiskyProject Order Form in US Dollars (Microsoft Word format)

RiskyProject Order Form in US Dollars (PDF format)

Payments can be by major credit cards, check, or money order.

If you which to use our online ordering system please click here.

2.   You will receive and license number and CD with printed documentation (if you order it)

If you order the “download only” version, we will forward you a license number by e-mail and mail. You can download software using our download page. If you order the Full Version that includes a CD and printed documentation, we will forward you a license number by e-mail and send you CD and manual by courier mail. You will receive your parcel not later than 5 business days.

3.   Validate you license

Please see the license validation instructions to learn how to validate your license.