December 31, 2012
The Year in Review
The end of any year is always time to look back at how we did, did we meet our objectives, have we made our clients lives easier?
After much effort, we released RiskyProject 5 in June and was an important landmark for us here at Intaver Institute. The product of hundreds of hours of consultation with industry experts and thousands of hours of development, RiskyProject Professional offers unrivaled capabilities at a fraction of the cost of our competitors. RiskyProject Professional shows that you can provide superior software at a very reasonable cost. Risky Project Lite, our entry level software, includes our Addin that provides a powerful, inexpensive replacement for Risk+ users who are moving to Microsoft Project 2010
The latest version also provides the framework for our future development. Much effort was put in the backend of software to provide the flexibility to meet emerging trends, including Cloud, SAAS, etc. Stay tuned for announcements of our upcoming new products.
With the release of version 5, we also began to increase our presence at industry gatherings. In July, Intaver Institute made its first appearance at the AACEI conference in San Antonio. It really was a fantastic gathering, we found the attendees were extremely well informed, and were able to sit in on some of the great presentations. Needless to say, it didn’t hurt that the convention took place beside the famous “River Walk” in downtown San Antonio. Great restaurants, walking, and historical attractions to take in during the off hours.
In October, we attended the PMI Congress in Vancouver, while attendance was down in past years, it is always a great place to catch up with old friends and associates, as well as make new ones, and see what the latest trends in the industry are.
In December, we made an appeance at the IPM conference in Bethesda, Maryland. This is a key conference that intersects industry and government. Discussions and presentations focussed around major changes to the program managment process that are being considered in the near future, of which risk management will be a key aspect.
2013 certainly looks interesting and we will continue to offer both outstanding value and service. Our success to this point rests largely on our customer focus and our responsiveness to meeting your needs. As many of our clients can attest, not only are we willing to listen and address your concerns and suggestions, but do so extremely quickly.
November 8, 2012
Intaver Institute is happy to announce that PMGS – Project Management Global Solutions has become the latest addition to our growing network of consulting partners. Established 10 years ago, PMGS is comprised of 20 employees split between Paris (world/group head office) & Montreal (PMGS America head office), including branches in Asia Pacific (Beijing and Sydney). PMGS is currently working with 80 consultants world-wide delivering solutions such as Organizational Project Management Maturity assessments, Transformation Programs, Coaching & Training. They are focused on everything “Portfolio, Program & Project Management”. The vast majority of PMGS international clients have head offices in Europe with field offices and manufacturing plants worldwide. PMGS specializes in helping international engineering, petro-chemical and pharmaceutical enterprises deploy world-wide transformations to harmonize and formalize Project Management. Please visit for more information.
November 5, 2012
ProjectPro Corp. from Ottawa, Canada has become latest Intaver Institute’s Consulting parner. ProjectPro is dedicated to providing organizations with expertise to better manage projects, programs and portfolios using Microsoft Project and Microsoft Project Server. ProjectPro’s dedication to developing leading practices on the Microsoft platform has resulted in worldwide recognition as a thought leader for innovative scheduling practices. These innovations can be found in Eric Uyttewaal’s book “Forecast Scheduling with Microsoft Project 2010” and in add-ins developed for Microsoft Project. The add-in, Complete Critical Paths, will present a complete Critical Path in any schedule, be it a resource-constrained schedule or an integrated master schedule. Another add-in, PPMS, allows you to monitor and manage hundreds of cross-project dependencies of an integrated master schedule in one central dashboard. Please for more information.
October 19, 2012
Intaver Institute has released RiskyProject RiskyProject is a minor release. New features of the release include:
- improved Statistics report;
- integration with Microsoft PowerPoint: RiskyProject can now export Statistics Report to PowerPoint. The presentation will include frequency and cumulative probability charts as well as tornado diagrams;
- links between sub projects in Microsoft Project can now be imported to RiskyProject.
Please contact Intaver Institute for more information about new release.
September 17, 2012
Free Webinar “Quantitative Risk Analysis using Risk Drivers”
Intaver Institute is launching a series free monthly webinars that will cover range of topics to show how you can use RiskyProject to effectively manage your project risks and create realistic cost and
schedule forecasts for your projects.
This webinar “Quantitative Risk Analysis using Risk Drivers” will show you how to use the risk driver method to combine your risk register and project schedule to measure the risk impacts on schedule and cost and prioritize risks.
Date: Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM MDT
September 16, 2012
DAIVIM Brasil became RiskyProject reseller
The DAIVIM is a Brazilian consulting and training company that operates based on the best practices of Project Management advising clients in the areas: Strategy, Operations and People Management. Composed with its network of services partners offering specialized skills in business planning, project planning and management, risk management, performance improvement programs for projects, processes and operations adding value to its customers.
June 16, 2012
Intaver Institute Inc. has released RiskyProject 5, the latest version of its flexible, yet powerful project risk management software. The updates in this version help organizations meet real-world risk analysis requirements better than ever before, with improvements in such areas as integration, performance, reporting, and more. Here is a list of all the new features in RiskyProject 5:
- Improved RiskyProject Add-In for Microsoft® Project – perform risk analysis without leaving Microsoft Project
- New statistical reporting engine instantly generates histograms, cumulative probability, and tornado diagrams for multiple network activities
- Improved performance: 64-bit version optimized to handle extremely large project schedules
- Improve sensitivity analysis: new tornado diagrams for each task
- Run analysis on large consolidated/master projects
- Parallel risks
- New find/select feature
- Improved risk matrix
- Risk register summary view
For more information about RiskyProject 5, please read our press release.
June 7, 2012
RiskyProject now includes maintenance in its purchase price, as well as free customer support for life, with an unlimited number of incident reports. Minor fixes will remain free for 1 year from the date of purchase, and an upgrade to the next major release can be purchased for a small fraction of the full software price. Alternatively, users of RiskyProject may choose to purchase an annual upgrade subscription, which locks in the upgrade price at the time of purchase.
For more information please visit our purchase page or contact Intaver Institute.
March 22, 2012
Intaver Institute, partner of Microsoft Corporate has presented RiskyProject project risk management and risk analysis software on Microsoft Project Conference 2012. RiskyProject is seamlessly integrated with Microsoft Project and Microsoft Project Server and allows performing project risk analysis based on Microsoft Project schedules.
September 23, 2011
Aerospace and defense industry looks to Calgary company to help manage risks
RiskyProject’s ability to simplify the very complex quantitative project risk analysis has started to catch the attention of the defense and aerospace industry including industry giants such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, L3-Communications, General Dynamics, United Space Alliance as well as government agencies such as NASA, US Department of Energy, FAA, US Army Corp of Engineers, Canadian Department of National Defense, and others. All of these organizations are currently utilizing RiskyProject software for their projects.
For more information read our press release.
June 12, 2011
RiskyProject 4.2 is released
Intaver Institute has released RiskyProject 4 integrated with Microsoft Project 2010. Managing project risk is the most effect way to improve your project’s performance and with RiskyProject, it has never been easier or more affordable.
- Risk Register: RiskyProject has a powerful risk register with full project risk life cycle management, including identification, assessment, risk planning, monitoring and control. The Risk Register has a complete set of tools including reviews, history, cost of risk calculations, waterfall charts and more .
- Qualitative and quantitative analysis in one package: You can now analyze your project risks with or without schedule or costs. Begin your project with a basic qualitative risk assessment and when your schedule becomes available, RiskyProject seamlessly switches into quantitative analysis.
- Seamless integration with all leading project management software: Microsoft Project, Oracle® Primavera and others.
- Improved usability and performance.
For more information about RiskyProject 4.2 read our press release.
December 17, 2010
RiskyProject Professional Compliant with ISO 31000 Risk Management Standards
RiskyProject supports the new ISO 31000 Risk Management ? Principles and Guidelines that were launched in 2010. Of particular interest to those project driven organizations are the guidelines for modeling quantitative risk. The new standard calls for the separating the modeling and analysis of discrete risk events and small repeated risks or uncertainties. RiskyProject supports this methodology via its integrated risk register where risk events (or critical event chains) can be modeled via the integrated risk register, while smaller fluctuations can be modeled using traditional 3 pt estimates for cost, duration, and other measures. If you would like to learn more about how RiskyProject can support your organizations adoption of the ISO 31000 Risk Management guidelines, contact Intaver Insititute at
November 15, 2010
BUCERO PM Consulting, Spain has become Intaver Institute Inc. value added reseller. BUCERO will resell RiskyProject project risk management software to its customers. BUCERO provides project management consulting in Spain.
October 18, 2010
Thomas Juli Empowerment Partners (TJEP) has become out latest consulting partner. TJEP is a professional service organization for innovative empowerment, consulting and interim management in the areas of project and operational management, IT governance, and leadership. Through leadership – TJEPs principle of effective leadership is based on 5 pillars:
- Building vision
- Nurturing collaboration
- Cultivating performance
- Promoting learning
- Ensuring results
Please visit for more information about TJEP.
September 29, 2010
Intaver Institute is happy to announce Xtraplus Solutions (India) our latest addition to our growing network of value added resellers. Xtraplus Solutions is our newest reseller in the Southern Asian market and offers a full range of project management consulting and training solutions. For more information about Xtraplus Solutions please visit
May 20, 2010
RiskyProject can integrated with Aurora intelligent project scheduling software by Stottler Henke. The Aurora intelligent project scheduling software combines a variety of scheduling techniques, intelligent conflict resolution, and automated decision support to generate shorter schedules for resource-constrained critical-path projects. Aurora also includes the world’s most advanced multi-project Critical Chain implementation. Aurora’s scheduling engine can be seamlessly integrated with off-the-shelf scheduling tools (e.g., Primavera, MS Project, Deltek Open Plan).
April 6, 2010
RiskyProject can now run under MacOS and Linux. Click here for information about compatibility and instructions how to run RiskyProject under MacOS and Linux.
January 27, 2010
Intaver Institute has opened office in Berkeley, California, USA. New California office will focus on software development, customer support, sales and marketing, training, consulting and other services. Our staff would be happy to assist you in any questions regarding RiskyProject software.
California office address: 2029 Durant Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94704, USA
Phone: 510.984.3527
Please click here to view map
November 12, 2009
SoftReach Services became new consulting partner of Intaver Institute Inc. SoftReach Services is a Professional Services Firm specializing in the practices of Program and Project Management:
- Management Consulting – enabling clients to transform their Project Management and PMO Practices for Operational and Competitive Advantage;
- Practitioner Services for high-tech initiatives – driving initiatives of a scope, scale or complexity beyond that with which organizations have experience.
Clients ranging from Fortune 500 companies to Start-Ups entrust their mission critical high-tech initiatives to SoftReach Services. SoftReach Services is based in Silicon Valley,.
Please click here for more details about SoftReach Services
July 30, 2009
Intaver Institute Inc. has announced the release of RiskyProject 3.2 that provides users of Microsoft Project a flexible, yet powerful tool to analyze and manage schedule and project risks. RiskyProject 3.2 for Microsoft Project provides direct integration of RiskyProject’s quantitative and qualitative project risk analysis and management with Microsoft Project. Performing risk analysis with Microsoft Project schedules has never been easier or more convenient. Other new features of RiskyProject 3.2 include risk mitigation (waterfall) diagrams and improved reporting.
For more information please read our press release.
June 4, 2009
Intaver Institute Inc. releases new RiskyProject 3 online tutorial. The tutorial demonstrates how to most RiskyProject features.
April 14, 2009
Intaver Institute Inc. releases RiskyProject version 3. RiskyProject 3 includes the following features:
- Risk register: manage threats, opportunities, and issues using fully searchable risk register
- Analysis of multiple risk mitigation plans: select what plan would be most effective in your project
- You may now perform quantitative analysis of non-schedule risks (quality, safety, performance …)
- Multiple baselines can be used for mitigation analysis
- Risk probability vs. impact matrix
- Probabilistic calendars
- Probabilistic cash flow analysis including NPV and ROR calculation
- Event chain diagrams
- …and more