This chart allows you to compare the features and options that are available with each version of RiskyProject

Features Lite Professional Cloud Enterprise
Project and Portfolio Planning and Scheduling
Portfolio time, and cost risk management x x
Portfolio hierarchy and portfolio Gantt Chart x x
Work breakdown structure for individual projects x x x
Gantt Chart for induvidual projects x x x
Resource and work management x x x
Project cost management x x x
Constraints and deadlines x x x
Multiple baselines x x
Multiple project, task, and resource calendars x x x
Risk Management
Risk Register (risks and issues, threats and opportunities, open and close risks, risk properties, risk probabilities, impacts, and scores, search and filter risks based risk properties) x x x x
Schedule and non-schedule risks (schedule, cost, safety, quality, environment, technology, legal, etc.) x x x x
Share Risk Register among different projects x x
Common risk register accessible by different users with an organization x x
Rank projects within a portfolio based on risks, portfolio and project risk profiles x x
Customizable risk categories and outcomes x x x x
Easily assign risks to tasks or resources x x x
Risk correlations x x x
Risk templates (standard risk templates are included) x
Types of Uncertainty
Risk events for tasks and resources (fixed or relative delay, fixed of relative cost increase, Task restart, End task, Cancel task, etc.) x x x x
Multiple statistical distributions for task duration, cost, income start time, and lags (Uniform, Triangular, Normal, Lognormal, Exponential, Rayleigh, Gumbel, Beta, BetaPert, Discrete, Custom, and others) In MS Project Add-in x x
Conditional branching (If-Then-Else analysis) x x
Probabilistic branching x x
Probabilistic calendar x x
Quantitative Risk Analysis
Monte Carlo Simulations x x x
Global risks (for all tasks or resources) x x x x
Local risks (for selected task or resource) x x x
Cost analysis with risks and uncertainties x x x
Analysis of success rate using project and task deadlines x x x
Risk analysis for product lifecycle management x x
Sensitivity analysis (analysis how uncertainties affect project duration, cost, finish time, and success rate) In MS Project Add-in x x
Analysis of risk mitigation using multiple baselines x x
Reporting Tools
Customizable histograms and cumulative probability plots for task or project duration, start and finish times, cost, work, resource allocation, income and revenue In MS Project Add-in x x
Project information views (view original project parameters and results of simulation) x x x x
Result Gantt view (compare original project schedule with results of analysis) x x x
Optimistic and pessimistic project portfolio view x
Customizable risk matrix: Risk probability vs. impact x x x x
Customizable risk report x x x x
Report Views: Cash flow, Critical risks, Crucial task, success rate, and others x x
Risk mitigation (“waterfall”) diagrams x x
Integration with other project management tools
RiskyProject Add-in for Microsoft Project x x With Prof or Lite x
Integration with Oracle Primavera x x With Prof or Lite x
Other Project Management Software: Safran Project, Project KickStart, FastTrack, WBS Chart Pro, PERT Chart Expert, and other project management software*. x x With Prof or Lite x
Forecasting of duration of incomplete tasks with risks and uncertainties x x x
Project tracking views x x
Other features
Secure access to the corporate database x x
User management: multiples users with different roles and permissions x x
Free unlimited customer support via email x x x x
Online help and tutorial x x x x
* third-party software should be purchased separately