Overview of Intaver Institute’s Services

Many our clients have established project management workflow and would like to customize our solution to meet their challenges. Intaver Institute Inc. performs software customization, training and risk management consulting for many companies. Intaver Institute offers customized training courses for project risk management and decision analysis. We teach our clients simple, but powerful techniques to identify and manage project risks and uncertainties and to mitigate the negative effect of psychological heuristics and biases in project management.


Project Risk Management Consulting


Intaver’s advanced project risk management tools and methodologies enable project managers to develop and implement risk management system and project risk assessments on a large number of major projects exceeding 4 billion US dollars. Intaver’s consulting services include:

  • Custom implementation of comprehensive risk management system based on RiskyProject and third party integrated software
  • Establishing project risk management processes within in organization, audit and analysis of project management practices, recommendations to improve project risk management processes
  • Project risk identification and assessment using Intaver’s tools and methodologies

To learn more about training offered by Intaver Institute Inc. please click here.

Risk Management Software Customization

Intaver Institute offers customization of RiskyProject software to better serve your needs. RiskyProject’s ‘s open architecture permits fast customized development to meet your organizations project management requirements.

We offer:

  • development of custom add-ins for the specific features your want to see in RiskyProject
  • export and import data to different specified formats
  • user interface customization to better fit RiskyProject to your workflow
  • integration with your or third party software packages

Our software development consultants will come to your site to evaluate your problems. We also can help you create risk templates to meet your specific business needs.


Project Risk Management and Decision Analysis Training


Intaver Institute offers on-site risk management and decision analysis training. We offer the following 1, 2 and 3 day training courses, which can be customized for your company’s needs: