Project Management Tools And Techniques

Workshop Description

This three-day workshop introduces the participants to THE SEVEN-STEP PROJECT MANAGEMENT APPROACH; define, explore, plan, execute, control, close, and celebrate. Through the instructor’s presentation, exercises, and group presentations, participants will be exposed to several project management tools and techniques.

The structure of the workshop will provide participants with an excellent opportunity to immediately apply what they have learned to each individual’s real-life projects. Participants are also expected to enrich the workshop with their participation by bringing in their own experiences, questions, comments, and discussion about how they will now apply their newly acquired PM skills.

Who Should Attend?

This is an introductory course to project management tools and techniques. The course is an excellent opportunity for new and intermediate Project Managers and project team members. The course is also intended for any one who wishes to learn more about project management tools and techniques. Participants will learn and experience first hand, some of the tools that will help them plan, execute, and control any project.

What You Will Learn

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to create a detailed and integrated plan for their projects, complete with project execution and control techniques. They will also master several communication tools that will allow them to build project teams and communicate with them effectively. Participants will learn how to:

  • Write a project scope statement;
  • Create a four-level work breakdown structure;
  • Set quality standards and a quality control plan;
  • Develop a procurement plan;
  • Carry out a stakeholder’s analysis;
  • Develop a communication plan;
  • Develop a risk management plan, with contingency allowances and mitigation plans for project risks;
  • Develop risk register that is complete and complete
  • Create a realistic and achievable schedule;
  • Estimate project costs;
  • Handle critical contract administration issues;
  • Manage the triple project constraint;
  • Manage stakeholders’ expectations and relationships; and,
  • Handle scope changes.

Delivery Approach And Methodology

The instructor will walk the participants through a real life project as an example to guide the participants in applying the tools and techniques to their own projects. Participants will be working in groups of five. Each group will be assigned a special project. The groups will get the opportunity to practice and apply all project processes explained by the instructor.

Project Management (Pm) Tool Box

Participants will take home a PM toolbox. The toolbox is a collection of check lists, forms, and schedules that will enable them to plan and execute any project regardless of its size or complexity.

Project Management Tools And Techniques

Day One

The following topics will be covered in the first day:

An Introduction To Project Management

  • What is a project?
  • What is project management?
  • Why do projects fail?
  • Why do projects succeed?
  • Project environment and how it impacts on people and processes;
  • Project management life cycle.
  • Project life cycle; and,

Define The Project

  • Agree on clear project goals and objectives;
  • Define key project deliverables;
  • Identify assumptions and constraints;
  • Write a project charter and identify project success criteria; and,
  • Inform and involve stakeholders in order to gain their buy-in.

Develop Project Charter

  • Clearly identify project deliverables;
  • List project assumptions and constraints;
  • Identify project “must haves” and “nice to have”;
  • Identify critical manpower requirements; and,
  • Gain approval from key stakeholders.

Explore Alternatives And Choose One

  • Agree on an evaluation criteria;
  • Create alternatives to achieve your goal;
  • Choose the best alternative;
  • Test the best alternative against your success criteria; and,
  • Gain commitment and approval of all stakeholders.

Project Management Tools And Techniques

Day Two

The second day will focus on developing the project implementation plan:

Confirm Project Scope

  • Identify the deliverables, what are you trying to accomplish?
  • Develop an effective scope control for the project; and,
  • Develop a work breakdown structure.

Decide On Project Quality Standard

  • Decide on a quality standard for the deliverables.

Develop A Resource Plan

  • Decide on who will do what; and,
  • Produce an organization chart and staff management plan.

Develop Communication Management Plan

  • Identify project stakeholders and conduct a stakeholders’ analysis;
  • Agree on how you will keep them informed and involved; and,
  • Decide on how to keep the stakeholders informed.

Decide On A Procurement Plan

  • Conduct, make, or buy analysis;
  • Decide on contract strategy; and,
  • Decide on how you will administer the contract.

Develop A Realistic And Achievable Project Schedule

  • Use WBS to produce a project network;
  • Decide what should be done and when; and,
  • Determine the critical path tasks and confirm dependencies.

Develop A Risk Management Plan

  • Identify and analyze project assumptions and risks;
  • Produce an accurate Risk Register; and,
  • Develop a risk response plan (Plan A,B,C).

Develop A Realistic Cost Estimates

  • Develop a three-point estimate for risk mitigation;
  • Decide on how to control project cost and changes; and,
  • Estimate how much the project will cost (budget).

Gain Approval And Commitment For The Plan

  • Present the project plan for approval and decide on the involvement of the various stakeholders.

Project Management Tools And Techniques

Day Three

The following topic will be covered in the third day

Implement The Plan

  • Form and develop the project team;
  • Build project ownership among project team members;
  • Motivate and commit across the team;
  • Decide on how information will be distributed;
  • Select the contractor and award the contract ;
  • Conduct contract administration;
  • Scope Verification and quality assurance;
  • Address contract administration issues;
  • Cope with common project scenarios;
  • Assign resources to activities and gain commitment; and,
  • Optimize the use of resources and equipment.

Monitor And Control The Project Activities

  • Develop overall change control plan;
  • Monitor scope, schedule, quality, and cost;
  • Control and respond to risk issues;
  • Monitor project activities and progress;
  • Compare project progress against the baseline;
  • Adjust the project plan to meet the project objectives; and,
  • Consult and involve team members and stakeholders in order to maximize productivity.

Close The Project

  • Hold a project close-off meeting;
  • Hand over the project to the client and win acceptance;
  • Close contracts and finalize team relationships;
  • Issue final reports and close out the project file;
  • Conduct a post-implementation review and establish lessons learned; and,
  • Share the experience with other project teams.

Celebrate Your Success

  • Think of unique and creative ways to thank your team;
  • Develop inventive ways to celebrate the team success; and,
  • Learn from the experience