Risk Management Workshop (Construction – 3 Days)


Research has proven over and over again that project performance could be improved considerably through the use of Risk Management. This is simply because 70% to 90% of the problems encountered on most projects are predictable and preventable. Risk analyses at the onset of any project will highlight these problems and will increase the chance of completing the project successfully. It will also enable project managers to reduce the time they spend putting out fires.

Workshop Description:

This comprehensive and practical three-day workshop introduces the participants to the concepts, principals, processes, and application of risk management in a construction project environment. The workshop follows the Risk Management principles and practices adopted by the Project Management Institute (PMBoK 2004). It explains the tools and techniques that will aid participants in the implementation of these practices. Participants will be given opportunities apply the tools and techniques learned to an actual construction project’s life cycle. The goal is to minimize risks and maximize opportunities during all phases of the project’s life cycle.

Workshop Objectives

The objective of this workshop is to provide an understanding and appreciation of the risk management framework. The workshop provides participants with techniques and tools that will help them to address their responsibilities and the any associated risks they are likely to encounter while managing any project. Upon completion, participants will be able to actively participate in or lead project teams through various risk management processes. The Tool Box provided will make their job much easier and more manageable.

Workshop Format And Methodology

The workshop is delivered though lectures, class discussions, individual and group case studies, and exercises. The topics to be covered include: identifying, classifying, assessing, and prioritizing risks, planning, and creating mitigation strategies for handling the identified risks. Risk communication and risk control will also be addressed in detail. The workshop will help participants to understand and to develop risk management skills, and to apply what they have learned on a real-life design and construction project.

Workshop Delivery Time Frame

The Workshop is designed to be delivered in three day. The first day covers general risk approach, followed by two days covering PMI framework for risk management. The forth day focuses on risk and contracts and project delivery systems.

Who Should Attend

This workshop is an excellent opportunity for new and intermediate Project Managers and project team members. The course is also intended for any one who is involved in the design, tendering and implementation of construction projects who wishes to learn more about principles and techniques of risk management. Participants will learn and experience first hand, some of the tools that will help them to reduce project surprises and meet owner expectations.

Learning Goals

At the completion of this three-day workshop, participants will gain the confidence to handle and manage risks for any construction project, regardless of size or complexity. These goals include:

  • Develop a detailed risk management plan to guide risk management activities;
  • Develop a risk register that is complete and accurate;
  • Qualify and quantify project risks; and,
  • Prepare risk response strategies to control the risks and maximize the opportunities.
  • Choose the type of contract to meet the specific risk need of the project
  • Understand the risks involved in the construction contract documents

Risk Management Tool Box

Participants will take home a risk management tool box. The tool box is a collection of several check lists, forms, graphs, etc. This tool box will be used extensively during the workshop to give participants enough practice during the workshop.


Dr. Fahmy is a Global Registered Educational Provider (R.E.P) with the Project Management Institute (PMI). Dr. Fahmy has more than thirty years of construction experience and ten years of project management teaching experience. He has extensive experience as a teacher and instructor of project management workshops and has taught them at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT), the University of Calgary, and the PMI (Edmonton PMI Chapter). He is presently teaching four project management workshops at the University of Alberta. He also teaches a construction management workshop at the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Dr. Fahmy is a Professional Engineer and Project Management Professional (PMP) with more than 30 years of hands-on experience covering a wide range of project management technical areas. He has managed hundreds of successful projects of varying size and complexity. Dr. Fahmy’s expertise covers a wide range of topics including: project management, risk management, alternative project delivery, quality management, problem solving, decision making, contract administration, and communication skills.

Detailed Workshop Outline

Day One – Project Risk Management Basics and PMI approach

The first day addresses risk and risk management in general with specific focus on PMI approach to risk management. The following major topics will be covered in the first day:

1. Introduction to Risk and Risk Management

This introductory session is geared towards helping participants seriously consider risk management and understand its many dimensions. In this session the following topics will be discussed:

  • Understanding risk;
  • Risk management approaches;
  • Risk management definitions;
  • Risk Management Process;
  • Definition of risk and related topics;
  • Personal approach to risk;
  • Types of risks;
  • Risk factors; and,
  • Risks in a construction project environment.

2. Risk Planning

Risk management planning sets the tone for the rest of risk management activities. It address what, who, how and when for the rest of the processes. In this session the following topics will be discussed:

  • Understanding the project environment and project objectives;
  • ow to plan for risk management processes;
  • Risk Management Planning process;
  • Components of Risk Management Plan; and,
  • How to focus on project objective.

3. Risk Identification Process

Risk identification is an interactive process and it should involve all key stakeholder. The objective is to compile a long list of opportunities and risks for the team to address later in the process. In this session the following topics will be discussed:

  • What is risk identification?;
  • Approaches to risk identification;
  • Ten Steps to Risk Identification Process;
  • Risk statement and developing a risk register;
  • Types of risk and risk categories;
  • Practical issues related to risk identification; and;
  • Organizing and running a risk identification meeting.

Day Two – Pmi Approach To Risk Managment

4. Qualitative Risk Analysis

In this process the project manager will subjectively evaluate all the risks. The goal is to focus on the most critical risks. In this session the following topics will be discussed:

  • Introduction to qualitative risk analysis;
  • Goal of Qualitative Risk Analysis;
  • Tools for Qualitative Risk Analysis;
  • Probability and impact analysis of identified risks;
  • Producing risk matrix;
  • Producing an updated risk register ;and,
  • Calculating risk allowance and risk contingency amount.

5. Quantitative Risk Analysis

In this process, the project manger will address the risk short list objectively. The course material will not get into much math or statistics. I will provide practical and simplified tools to address risk in this process. In this session the following topics will be discussed:

  • Introduction to Quantitative Risk Analysis;
  • Comparison between the qualitative and quantitative approaches;
  • Steps for Quantitative Risk Analysis;
  • Quantitative Risk analysis tools; and,
  • Output from Quantitative Risk Analysis.

6. Strategies for Handling Risks/Risk Response Planning (RM&C)

In this session, Participants will be given the opportunity to apply the tools and techniques learned to an actual construction project’s life cycle.

  • Definitions;
  • Steps for developing risk response;
  • Information/documentation required to prepare for risk response planning;
  • Tools for generating risk response options;
  • Strategies for risk response planning;
  • Risk response options evaluation; and,
  • Risk response planning deliverables.

7. Managing Project Risks (Risk Monitoring and Control)

In this session, Participants will be given the opportunity to apply the tools and techniques learned to an actual construction project’s life cycle.

  • Definition and Risk Management Cycle;
  • RM&C activities;
  • Risk documentations;
  • Risk communications;
  • Information required to start RM&C;
  • RM&C tools;
  • Deliverables; and ,
  • Practical issues in RM&C.

Day Three – Application Of Risk Principles To Construction Projects

Construction Contracts And Risk Management

In this session a general approach to contracts will be taken with emphasis on Alberta infrastructure and transportation contracts. In this session the following topics will be discussed:

  • Review of construction contracts
  • Purpose of construction contract
  • Why disagreement and conflict happens
  • Fundamental risk in construction contracts
  • Allocating risks in construction contracts
  • Risk and control principles
  • Risk avoidance by owners
  • Types of construction contracts and its related risk
  • Various approaches to control risk for owners
  • Various approached to control risks for the construction contractor

Project Delivery Systems And Risk Management

Owners of construction projects have major and difficult decisions to make at the initiation of any construction project. What project delivery system to use, how the service of the contractor will be procured and what type of contract to be used? These three related decisions must be coordinated to get the bet value for any construction project. In this session the following topics will be discussed:

  • What do clients really want;
  • Risk and uncertainty in construction projects;
  • Coordination between contract types and Project Delivery Systems;
  • Project Delivery Systems and project risks;
  • Scope risks
  • Quality risks
  • Schedule risks
  • Cost risks