Risk Breakdown Structure
Risk breakdown structures are a hierarchical list of risks. Risk breakdown structures help to identify and manage project risks. In RiskyProject you can define different risk breakdown structures at the project level and for each separate task or resource. Each risk is defined by its chance of occurrence, outcome (increase duration, cost, cancel task, etc.) and time of occurrence.
In Risk Register for RiskyProject Lite, Professional, and Enterprise you can customize your risk breakdown structure based risk categories, risks, issues, lesson learned, opened and close risks, visible and hidden risks, risk owners, risk managers, and other risk properties. Risk breakdown structure is also implemented for risk assignments with Global Risks view as well as Local Risks tab for each task or resources of RiskyProject Lite and RiskyProject Professional.
RiskyProject also has a number of risk templates. Risk templates are standard risk breakdown structures that allow you to quickly and simplify add risks to tasks and projects. A number of templates are included to RiskyProject package. In addition, it is easy to create your own templates, which you can use for your own projects.
Here is standard risk breakdown structures available in RiskyProject:
- Generic Risk Breakdown Structure. Click here for risk breakdown structure in Microsoft Excel format
- Software Development Risk Breakdown Structure. Click here for risk breakdown structure in Microsoft Excel format
More risk templates are supplied with RiskyProject. You may download evaluation version of RiskyProject Professional to view these templates.